McKool Smith receives high marks in the 2024 edition of IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners, which notes that the firm "has earned a national reputation for its relentless pursuit of trial victories."

Firm Rankings

McKool Smith is highly recommended nationally as a leading IP firm for plaintiff litigation, and recommended regionally as a leading patent litigation firm in Texas and Washington, D.C.  IAM notes that "The talented attorneys, experienced in representing plaintiffs and defendants alike, possess a deep understanding of intricate litigation strategies and are committed to achieving favorable outcomes for their clientele." 

Attorney Rankings

Dallas Principal Josh Budwin earned recognition in Texas IP litigation. IAM describes Josh as "instrumental in clinching impressive victories in critical matters, including notable wins for technology company TiVo."

Dallas Principal Nicholas Mathews is recognized as a leading IP lawyer in Texas. IAM notes that Nick "gracefully navigates courtrooms, emerging as a trusted advocate for technology players like Ericsson, which he successfully defended in a groundbreaking FRAND trial."

Finally, trial legend Sam Baxter is again recognized as a leading IP lawyer in Texas. IAM confirms that Sam "holds a solid reputation among Texas trial lawyers, drawing on his experience as a former state district judge to provide unique insights into complex patent disputes. Baxter’s intimate knowledge of the Eastern District of Texas, a crucial venue in intellectual property, consistently leads to substantial verdicts in favour of his clients."

About the IAM Patent 1000 

Compiled by a team of researchers from Intellectual Asset Management magazine, the IAM Patent 1000 is a guide to top patent practitioners as well as leading patent law firms in key jurisdictions. Based on interviews with in-house professionals and attorneys in private practice, the IAM Patent 1000 looks at the full range of patent services, from creation through management to dispute resolution.

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