Trade secrets and other proprietary information are valuable intellectual property assets that help companies establish and maintain a competitive edge. With the rise of digital technology, electronic communications, and aggressive competition, companies face increased risks of losing their assets to former employees, vendors, contractors, and other entities with access to private and sensitive information. Our lawyers act quickly and effectively to limit potential risks and protect our clients’ interests, whether by seeking temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions, and/or expedited discovery orders.
We have significant experience initiating and defending claims over trade secrets, unfair competition, covenants not to compete, duty of loyalty, and other issues related to transitioning key employees. In addition, we develop confidentiality agreements, non-solicitation agreements, privacy policies, and systems to prevent unwanted disclosure of confidential information.
Media & Events
Press Releases
- Eliza Beeney
- Alan Block
- John Briody
- Joshua Budwin
- John Campbell
- Michael Catapano
- Kyra Cooper
- Jon Corey
- Gary Cruciani
- Travis DeArman
- Kirk Dillman
- Alexandra Easley
- George Fishback
- Charles Fowler, Jr.
- Ramy Hanna
- Eric Hansen
- Scott Hejny
- David Kellam, Jr.
- William LaFuze
- Lewis LeClair
- Daniel Levy
- Warren Lipschitz
- Alan Loewinsohn
- Robert Manley
- Samuel Moore
- Sean O'Leary
- Archis Ozarkar
- Taylor Perez
- Patrick Pijls
- Jonathan Powers
- Carra Rentie
- Kyle Ryman
- Casey Shomaker
- Frank Vecella
- Avery Williams