Our lawyers are thought leaders who stay at the forefront of legal and business news, routinely offering insights on important developments in the media. Because high-profile litigation can often be the subject of extensive news coverage, our familiarity and experience with the media is a valuable asset to our clients.
- 02.06.2017
Dallas principal Frank Vecella discussed a number of best practices for in-house counsel to effectively manage their outside legal teams in a Law360 report titled “How ...
- 02.01.2017
McKool Smith served as lead counsel to Givaudan Fragrances Corporation in securing a victory for corporate policyholders with far reaching implications in protecting a ...
- 01.09.2017
Previous comments on anti-bribery enforcement endorsed by Jay Clayton, chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission, have ...
- 12.20.2016
- 12.15.2016
McKool Smith's victory on behalf of Warren Pumps In the Matter of Viking Pump Inc. and Warren Pumps LLC Insurance Appeals, topped Law360’s listing of the “Biggest ...
- 12.05.2016
- 11.08.2016
McKool Smith has received numerous accolades in the 2017 "Best Law Firms" rankings recently released by U.S. News - Best Lawyers. The firm received 26 “Tier 1” ...
- 11.03.2016
Judge Jan Jurden of the Delaware Superior Court granted summary judgment in favor of McKool Smith's client, retirement services provider TIAA-CREF, finding that a civil ...
- 11.01.2016
- 11.01.2016
- 11.01.2016
- 11.01.2016
- 11.01.2016
- 11.01.2016
An Iowa federal judge granted summary judgment to McKool Smith's client, window and door manufacturer Pella Corporation, ruling that Liberty Mutual Insurance must cover ...
- 10.25.2016
Benchmark Litigation, the definitive guide to America's leading litigation firms and attorneys, has ranked McKool Smith Tier 1 in intellectual property and insurance ...
- 10.21.2016
The study classifies PAEs into two categories: Portfolio PAEs and Litigation PAEs. Portfolio PAEs are strongly capitalized, purchase patents outright, and negotiate ...
- 10.21.2016
To better understand how PAE behavior compares with the behavior of other firms that assert patents, the FTC conducted a case study focused on litigation and licensing ...
- 10.21.2016
The study “recognizes that infringement litigation plays an important role in protecting patent rights, and that a robust judicial system promotes respect for the ...
- 10.21.2016
The study provides empirical evidence confirming that only a very limited subset of PAEs (i.e. certain Litigation PAEs) engage in what has been deemed by some observers and ...
- 10.13.2016
The Federal Circuit affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment that Electric Power’s claims are invalid under Section 101 for being directed to patent ...
- 10.13.2016
The Federal Circuit affirmed the district court’s denial of GPNE’s post-trial motions following the jury’s verdict of non-infringement. The patents-at-issue are ...
- 10.13.2016
The district court stayed the entire infringement litigation—involving a total of five asserted patents—in light of the pending inter partes review of the three ...
- Markush Group Claim Element Was Closed To Non-Listed Resins, But Covered Blends Of The Listed Resins10.13.2016
The patent-at-issue related to multi-layer, thermoplastic stretch wrap films. The independent claims of the patent included an element of “five identifiable inner ...
- 10.13.2016
This case returned to the Federal Circuit from the Supreme Court following the Supreme Court’s decision rejecting the Seagate test for enhanced damages under Section 284 ...
- 10.13.2016
The patent-at-issue relates to spinal surgery involving implanting an artificial implant between two adjacent vertebrae from a patient’s side. The PTAB, in an IPR ...
- 10.13.2016
This case involved an appeal of an ex parte reexamination of a patent that expired during the reexamination proceedings. Here, after the examiner issued a final rejection ...
- 10.13.2016
Vapor Point sued NanoVapor to add two of Vaper Point’s employees, who had previously worked at NanoVapor, as inventors on two of NanoVapor’s patents. NanoVapor ...
- 10.13.2016
This case involved an appeal of an inter parte review decision in which the Board invalidated certain claims of a patent, because it found that the missing limitation in the ...
- 10.13.2016
In an order granting the petition for rehearing en banc, the Federal Circuit vacated its previous panel decision in In re: Aqua Products, Inc., 823 F.3d 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2016 ...
- 10.13.2016
The district court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment of invalidity based on lack of written description, under § 112(1). It reasoned that the invention ...
- 10.13.2016
In an inter partes review, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, in addition to finding the challenged claims to be obvious, denied the patent owner’s motion to ...
- 09.29.2016
On Monday, September 26, 2016, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus announced that Dallas principal Steve Wolens has been appointed to the eight-member Texas Ethics ...
- 09.21.2016
McKool Smith is pleased to announce that 7 attorneys from the firm’s New York office have been selected for inclusion in the 2016 edition of New York Super Lawyers. The ...
- 09.19.2016
- 09.14.2016
As reported by the Delaware Business Court Insider on September 12, 2016, McKool Smith has secured another landmark decision for its client Warren Pumps LLC, this time from ...
- 09.06.2016
McKool Smith is pleased to announce that 10 principals from the firm’s Austin, Dallas, and Houston offices have been selected for inclusion in the 2016 edition of ...
- 09.01.2016
McKool Smith principal Sam Baxter has been awarded the Texas Lawyer 2016 “Lifetime Achievement Award” for Professional Excellence. The honor recognizes lawyers who ...
- 08.31.2016
- 08.31.2016
- 08.31.2016
- 08.26.2016
- 08.25.2016
The claims-at-issue related to a method of producing a preparation of multi-cryopreserved hepatocytes that are capable of being frozen and thawed at least two times and in ...
- 08.25.2016
This case involved a dispute over the meaning of the 42 U.S.C. § 262(l)(8)(A) notice provision involving companies seeking to obtain “biosimilar-product” licenses ...
- 08.25.2016
This case involved product-by-process claims for a form of bivalirudin. More than one year prior to the filing date of MedCo’s patent applications, it retained a company ...
- 08.25.2016
Deca requested inter partes reexamination of Skyhawke’s patent. The Examiner and the PTAB both agreed that Skyhawke’s patent was patentable over Deca’s prior art ...
- 08.25.2016
WBIP’s patents related to marine engines for use on houseboats that produced reduced amounts of carbon monoxide exhaust. Elevated amounts of carbon monoxide in engine ...
- 08.25.2016
The Federal Circuit vacated the district court’s determination that it lacked personal jurisdiction over a Finnish defendant, Suunto. Suunto received orders for ...
- 08.25.2016
This case involved patents directed to a remote speech recognition system. The district court construed the claims and, based on those constructions, granted Apple’s ...
- 08.25.2016
The patent-at-issue involved technology in the field of oil drilling through the use of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). The Federal Circuit reversed the PTAB’s ...
- 08.25.2016
Illumina (one of the plaintiffs) sued Ariosa for infringement of its non-invasive prenatal diagnostic test patents, and Ariosa countersued for breach of a supply ...