At McKool Smith, we’re as likely to author commentaries on the latest advancements in technology or the life sciences as we are to write about the courtroom. Drawing on academic credentials and industry experience, we frequently contribute articles, white papers, guest columns, and other publications in areas that are relevant to our clients.
- 03.04.2024
Austin Principal Charles Fowler published an article, "After TikTok, Tiptoeing Toward Patent Transfer Alignment," in Law360. The article discusses last year's ...
- 02.07.2024
McKool Smith Principal, Arvind Jairam, penned an article for World IP Review delving into the ongoing dispute between Apple and Masimo concerning specific Apple Watch ...
- 12.13.2023
McKool Smith Senior Counsel Arvind Jairam authored an article in IPWatchdog highlighting five Federal Circuit patent cases from 2023 that will have a significant impact ...
- 11.07.2023
McKool Smith Principal Charles Fowler authored an article on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s recent denial of a petition to rehear USA v. Greenlaw, which ...
- 09.25.2023
McKool Smith Senior Counsel, Arvind Jairam, authored an incisive article dissecting the pivotal decision recently made by the Director of the United States Patent and ...
- Kevin Schubert and Scott Hejny Publish "IPR Pointers In Recent PTAB Discretionary Denials" in Law36008.16.2023
New York Principal Kevin Schubert and Dallas Principal Scott Hejny authored Law360's "IPR Pointers In Recent PTAB Discretionary Denials" to discuss the recent denials of a ...
- 06.05.2023
Austin Associate Kyle Ryman authored an article analyzing the recent Federal Circuit decision in Sequoia Technology LLC v. Dell Inc. In their analysis, the attorneys find ...
- 11.08.2022
In an article published by Law360, Principals Kevin Schubert and Scott Hejny discuss the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decision on a trio of appeals related to ...
- 05.06.2022
In an article published by Law360, New York principals Chris Johnson and Zach Mazin, and associate Dan Hendler, assess the implications of New York County Commercial ...
- 04.13.2022
New York Principal Melissa Cabrera and Houston Managing Principal Josh Newcomer recently published an article in the New York Law Journal, titled “A Domestic Industry in ...
- 04.04.2022
New York principal Steven Rizzi authored “Federal Circuit Clarifies Scope of Estoppel Applicable to Petitions for Inter Partes Review” for the New York Law Journal, in ...
- 02.17.2022
Houston principal Kristin Leveille recently published an article in The Texas Lawbook titled “NAESB Force Majeure Provisions After Winter Storm Uri: Key ...
- 12.02.2021
McKool Smith associate Caroline Burks published her paper, titled “Cybersecurity Workforce Generation: Too Little, Too Late and the Logic Behind Starting in Early ...
- 11.17.2021
McKool Smith principal Scott Hejny published “Arthrex: More Unanswered Questions” in World IP Review. Scott wrote, “The US Supreme Court decision in US v Arthrex may ...
- 06.28.2021
McKool Smith principals Scott Hejny and James Quigley published the article “Arthrex: the Supreme Court Preserves the PTAB System” in Licensing Executive Society ...
- 06.23.2021
New York principal Kevin Schubert published an article in Law360 titled “Anticipating Patent System Change-Ups Under Biden.” While it is only five months into the new ...
- 04.29.2021
McKool Smith principal Richard Kamprath and associate Abigail Clark published the article, "Hedonic Regression Shows Promise For Modeling IP Damages ...
- 01.19.2021
McKool Smith principal Courtney Statfeld and associate Daniel Hendler published the article “COVID in the Courts: Trends in Pandemic-era Commercial Real Estate ...
- 12.04.2020
A holder of standard-essential patents often agrees to license those patents on terms that are “fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory” (the “FRAND ...
- 09.30.2020
McKool Smith Principal Zach Mazin and associate Daniel Hendler, along with financial litigation consultant Gene Phillips of PF2 Securities, published the above article ...
- 09.29.2020
McKool Smith Associate Kevin Schubert published an article in Law360 titled "COVID-19's Influence On IPR Has Diminished." The article notes that the recent "decisions ...
- 09.14.2020
Cyrus Bayar published "Oil & Gas Companies Face Broader Exposure to FCA Liability Under COVID Stimulus Programs" in Energy Law Advisor, the Institute of Energy Law’s ...
- 08.04.2020
McKool Smith principal Richard Kamprath recently published an article in Texas Lawyer, discussing a set of factors the Patent and Trial Appellate Board (PTAB) identified ...
- 06.30.2020
McKool Smith principal Daniel Levy published an article, “A Legal Guide To What Happens Next In US Atty Berman Saga,” in Law360 to analyze the departure of U.S. Attorney ...
- 06.25.2020
McKool Smith principals Robert Manley along with Kevin McElroy and John Bone of Stout Risius Ross LLC, recently published "'Independent Economic Value' Crucial In Trade ...
- 06.23.2020
McKool Smith principal Daniel Levy published an article, “The Law Behind The Strange Departure Of US Atty Berman,” in Law360. The article discusses the circumstances ...
- 05.29.2020
McKool Smith associate Kevin Schubert published article “New Trend In IPR Institution Appealability Demands Scrutiny” in Law360, analyzing trends regarding how the ...
- 05.12.2020
McKool Smith principal Robert Manley, published a white paper, titled “Reducing Your Odds of Catching/Spreading Trade-Secret Litigation in These Tumultuous ...
- 05.12.2020
McKool Smith principal James Smith co-published "How Law Firms Can Maximize COVID-19 Insurance Coverage" in Law360. The article discusses how law firm leaders can take ...
- 05.08.2020
The above piece written by Jennifer Truelove is published in The Bencher, the magazine of the American Inns of Court. In this piece, Jennifer shared her experience in working ...
- 04.23.2020
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislatures of Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina are currently deliberating ...
- 04.21.2020
McKool Smith principals James Quigley and Scott Hejny recently published "A Question of Authority - The Federal Circuit's Criticism of the POP in Windy City" in Texas ...
McKool Smith has developed a resource center to help clients stay updated on legal and business developments that can help them navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. We ...
- 04.07.2020
On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law a financial relief package called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). One of the most ...
- 03.20.2020
The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, joined by other federal agencies, recently clarified that injunctions are an available remedy in suits over ...
- 02.24.2020
McKool Smith Associate Kevin Schubert published an article in Law360 titled, “Latest IPR Trends Mostly Favor Patent Owners.” The article is a follow-up to an article ...
- 02.07.2020
McKool Smith Principals James Quigley wrote "IPR Update" and presented the article at the State Bar of Texas 33rd Annual Advanced Intellectual Property Law: Patents in IP ...
- 07.18.2019
James Quigley co-authored an article titled “O2 Micro Issues at the Federal Circuit a Decade Later” that was presented at the Texas State Bar Intellectual Property ...
- 06.11.2019
On May 23, 2019, the court issued a declaratory judgment in the case of HTC v. Ericsson, No. 18-cv-00243, pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District ...
- 05.17.2019
New York Principal Associate Kevin Schubert published an article in Law360 titled “More Courts Are Applying IPR Estoppel Expansively.” The article discusses how ...
- 05.09.2019
Austin Associate Charles Fowler contributed an article entitled "The Enforceability of Rule 11 Agreements Related to Pretrial and Trial Procedure" to The Litigation ...
- 05.07.2019
Marshall Principal Samuel Baxter published an article in Texas Lawyer entitled "Jury Pools Likely Expanding in the Eastern District of Texas." It focuses on the April 4th ...
- Anthony Phillips Article: "Effective investigations: The Whole is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts"05.06.2019
Houston Principal Anthony J. Phillips co-authored an article in the May 2019 edition of CEP [Compliance and Ethics Professional] Magazine entitled "Effective ...
- 04.08.2019
Dallas Principal Scott Hejny authored an article, “The Downsides Of PTAB's New Claim Amendment Program,” published by Law360. The article discusses how for several ...
- 02.27.2019
Dallas Principal Steve Wolens authored an op ed piece that appeared in Dallas Morning News, “The Texas Ethics Commission is surprisingly nonpartisan. What can this group ...
- 02.25.2019
New York Associate Kevin Schubert published an article in Law360 titled, “IPR Estoppel Increasingly Applies.” The article discusses how district court decisions in ...
- 06.15.2018
Dallas Principal Frank Vecella published an article for an online book focused on helping Scandinavian companies minimize the risks and costs of U.S. litigation ...
- 05.08.2018
Dallas Principal Scott Hejny and Chelsea Priest published an article in Law360 titled, “SAS Indirectly Strengthens The Impact Of Estoppel.” The article discusses how ...
- 04.26.2018
On Friday, April 20, 2018, McKool Smith secured a summary judgment ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois which allows Cushman & ...
- 11.22.2017
In a forceful speech[1] delivered on November 10, 2017, the new leader of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice, Assistant ...